"It's too late to change your mind, so be happy with what you find..."
ART MUSEUMS "S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G." (Woodsist) from Kerry McLaughlin on Vimeo.
I'm really enjoying Rough Frame, the new record from The Art Museums, which is Glenn Donaldson from the Jewelled Antler crew along with fellow San Franciscan Josh Alper. I generally love just about anything that Donaldson touches (Mirza, Thuja, Blithe Sons, Skygreen Leopards, etc.) and this is no exception. It's lo-fi at its best ("state of the art home-recording circa ‘85"), with echoes of Tobin Sprout, Dan Treacy, and a few decades worth of anglopop.
Art Museums: "Sculpture Gardens" (download from Aquarium Drunkard)
Art Museums: "Paris Cafés" (download from The Decibel Tolls)
Rough Frame is out now on Woodsist. You can buy it HERE.