Linkage: White on White: Good Design, Good Prices
We all occasionally slobber over good designs, but when those designs are available at great prices, we practically choke on the drool. That's a really gross way of saying that White on White is worth checking out if you can't afford a real Eames/Miller LCW (Lounge Chair, Wood). Granted the White on White prices are still way out of our league, but we can dream right?
Let's compare:

George Nelson Ball Clock, Orange
Cost: $285

White on White, GN Wall Clock CW 09
Cost: $125

Charles Eames LCW chair, manufactured by Herman Miller
Cost: between $650–$800

White on White Molded Plywood Chair, Walnut
Cost: $225

George Nelson 6' Bench
Cost: between $500–$600

White on White Swedish Bench, 6', American Maple
Cost: $320
Let's compare:

George Nelson Ball Clock, Orange
Cost: $285

White on White, GN Wall Clock CW 09
Cost: $125

Charles Eames LCW chair, manufactured by Herman Miller
Cost: between $650–$800

White on White Molded Plywood Chair, Walnut
Cost: $225

George Nelson 6' Bench
Cost: between $500–$600

White on White Swedish Bench, 6', American Maple
Cost: $320